Rhinoplasty Kalamazoo

If you have considered having surgery on your nose, you may have wondered about the recovery process. Dr. Scott Holley has performed rhinoplasty for over twenty years at West Michigan Plastic Surgery. He will guide you through your process from consultation to aftercare to make sure you achieve your desired results.

Nose Surgery
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 5
Case: 1 of 5
Before & After Nose Surgery Case 9361 Left Side View in Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids, Michigan
Before & After
Case: 1 of 4

Open structure rhinoplasty.
Before & After Nose Surgery Case 8742 View #2 View in Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids, Michigan
Before & After
Case: 4 of 4

This 16 year old from Battle Creek, Michigan presented with evident septal deviation and abnormal dorsal aesthetics of the nose. She elected for functional septoplasty to minimize nasal obstruction and aesthetic rhinoplasty.

*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty improves the appearance or function of the nose. Since the nose is one of the dominant facial features, many people feel self-conscious about their noses’ shape, size, or symmetry. Rhinoplasty can help give you the results you want by reshaping the structure of the nose. While you will need some time to recover after your procedure, following aftercare instructions can help you heal and get back to your daily routine more quickly. 

What Not to Do After Rhinoplasty

You will want to avoid doing anything that could stress or put pressure on your nose while it heals. Activities that can cause damage to your nose or slow your healing include:

Laying on Your Back

Dr. Holley recommends resting and sleeping with your head elevated above your heart. Laying flat on your back causes more blood flow to your face. This can make your swelling worse and possibly cause bleeding. 

Blowing Your Nose

Blowing your nose can disrupt the healing process. Do everything you can to avoid getting a cold or flu that would give you a stuffy nose. Dr. Holley will clear you to resume this when you have healed well enough. 

Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking restricts normal blood flow, so your healing tissues cannot get the blood supply they need. You will need to stop smoking before and after your procedure. Alcohol can inhibit recovery by thinning your blood and putting you at risk of bleeding. 

Sun Exposure

Exposure to the sun can cause your healing incisions to darken and develop uneven pigmentation. You can avoid this by avoiding sun exposure and wearing dermatologist-approved sunscreen. 

Putting on Makeup

You will want to avoid putting anything on your face that could irritate or cause an infection while you heal. Avoid makeup until Dr. Holley gives his approval.

Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

Request a consultation

What is Recovery Like From Rhinoplasty?

Your swelling and bruising will feel worst during the first few days and improve steadily. Most people can return to work within a week or two as the swelling subsides. Avoid any physical activity until Dr. Holly determines you have healed enough. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

If you find yourself bothered by the appearance or function of your nose, rhinoplasty can give you results that will improve your confidence. Nonsmokers in overall good health make the best candidates. Dedication to following through with your aftercare plan will determine your success with your long-term results. 

Take the Next Step

Would you like to learn more about rhinoplasty? Simply fill out the form on this page or call West Michigan Plastic Surgery at (269) 895-9767 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Scott Holley, a Board-Certified plastic surgeon.  Proudly serving Kalamazoo and the greater Southwest Michigan area.
