Men and women from Kalamazoo, Portage, Battle Creek, and Grand Rapids, MI, benefit from our medical-grade skincare treatments and the latest advancements in energy-based and collagen-induction therapies. Carefully vetted by Dr. Scott Holley for safety, efficacy, and the value it brings to patients, each of our nonsurgical facial procedures can help patients achieve healthy and resilient skin.

Learn more about our facial treatment options below:


Restores radiant skin by treating hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

Forever Young® BBL MODEL

Offers clinically proven anti-aging benefits and skin rejuvenation.


Restores luminosity by smoothing and clearing the complexion.


Minimizes early signs of aging and sun damage as a prejuvenation treatment.

Hydrafacial® MODEL

Uses a powerful 3-step system to revitalize dull, tired-looking skin.

Hydrafacial Keravive™ MODEL

Energizes and clarifies the scalp for vibrant, healthy hair.

MicroLaserPeel® & NanoLaserPeel™ MODEL

Polishes your skin to restore a youthful, healthy glow without lengthy downtime.

Microneedling MODEL

Stimulates collagen production to smooth and strengthen skin.

RF microneedling MODEL

Enhances the benefits of microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy.

Skincare products MODEL

Include medical-grade ingredients in their purest form to deliver the most comprehensive improvements in the shortest amount of time.

Dr. Holley and his team will listen attentively to your cosmetic concerns and guide you to the procedure(s) that will best refresh and revive your skin. To learn more about facial treatment options at our Battle Creek and Portage, MI, facilities, please request a consultation online or call us at  (269) 222-1611 to schedule your appointment.    
