Brow Lift Kalamazoo

The brow area often shows signs of aging before the rest of the face. Drooping brows can make people look older than they are. A brow lift can correct sagging, heavy-looking brows and make your eyes look brighter and more youthful. 

Brow Lift Kalamazoo

How Does a Brow Lift Work?

Dr. Scott Holley, an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, performs several different types of brow lifts to provide each person with options for achieving their best results. All brow lifts complete the process of lifting the skin, fat, and muscle in the brow area and restoring it to a more refreshed-looking, youthful position. 

What is a Brow Lift Procedure Like?

Dr. Holley offers two different types of brow lift. He will recommend which type will work best for you based on your goals for the surgery, recovery time, and other questions. 

Coronal Brow Lift

In a coronal brow lift, an incision runs across your forehead, hidden in the hairline. This allows the surgeon to reposition and remove loose skin and fat. This procedure can usually achieve more dramatic results, especially with significant loose skin. This surgery may work well for those who do not mind some extra recovery line or a longer scar if it means more noticeable results.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

Using small incisions, the endoscopic brow lift uses a surgical camera and specialized instruments to lift and tighten the brow and forehead. This procedure leaves smaller scars, and recovery normally takes less time. While not as dramatic as with a coronal brow lift, the results still look beautifully lifted and smooth. 

Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

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How Long is Recovery From a Brow Lift?

You will experience some swelling and bruising after surgery. This lasts about a week, with endoscopic brow lift patients healing faster than coronal brow lift patients. Most people can return to work within seven to ten days, although each person heals differently. 

What Results Can I Expect From a Brow Lift?

You can expect to see drooping skin and excess fat above the eyebrows lifted and removed, as well as lines and wrinkles on the forehead smoothed out. People look younger and more alert, and people stop asking why they look tired or why they look so serious all the time. A brow lift will not keep your brows or forehead from moving naturally, so you’ll have all your usual range of motion, just brighter and more wide-open eyes. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

If you have loose skin and fat sagging in your forehead and brow area, or if you have wrinkles on the forehead you want to get rid of, a brow lift may work for you. Dr. Holley will advise what kind of procedure he thinks will work best for you and your skin. 

Take the Next Step

Would you like to learn more about a brow lift? Simply fill out the form on this page or call West Michigan Plastic Surgery at (269) 895-9767 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Scott Holley, a Board-Certified plastic surgeon. Proudly serving Kalamazoo and the greater Southwest Michigan area.
