Kalamazoo Breast Lift

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, you might want more volume, or you might want more lift. Breast augmentation can add volume and fullness, but it does not address drooping skin. A breast lift removes excess skin and raises the breasts back to their natural perky position

Breast Lift
 Before & After Photos


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What is a Breast Lift?

Breasts can begin to droop due to age and the effects of gravity. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can drastically speed up this process, causing loss of volume and sagging. A breast lift uses an incision to remove extra skin and reshape the breasts. This procedure restores more youthful-looking breasts. 

How Does a Breast Lift Work?

Dr. Scott Holley performs breast lifts at West Michigan Plastic Surgery. He will use one of three types of incisions, depending on how much breast sagging you have. All of them allow him to remove loose skin. They also will enable him to resize and reshape the areola if it has become enlarged or points downward instead of outward. 

Consultations Available Now

Take the first step. Get your questions answered by meeting with one of our knowledgeable medical staff for an in-person consultation. Simply fill out the form, and one of our experienced team members will reach out to you promptly to schedule your consultation.

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How Long Does a Breast Lift Last?

How long your breast lift will last depends on many factors. You can expect results to last at least several years. Some people will choose to have a second procedure, while others may remain happy with their initial results as they age. 

You can affect how long your breast lift will last by following some general recommendations:

Good Skincare

Skin elasticity is genetic, but you can keep your skin more elastic and prevent sagging by avoiding sun exposure and using appropriate skincare products. 

Supportive Bras

If you wear poorly fitted support or no support at all, gravity will begin to undo the work of your breast lift. You can maintain your results by wearing a supportive bra, especially when exercising. 

Healthy Lifestyle

Significant weight changes will affect your breast lift results. Weight gain may make your breasts heavier and change their shape, while weight loss can take away breast volume and cause sagging. 

Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift?

What if you have drooping skin and volume loss? Dr. Holley frequently performs breast augmentation with a breast lift to improve breast size, shape, and position. If you have significant loose skin, a lift may be required to see your desired results with breast augmentation. He may also perform a breast lift with a breast reduction to help lift and reshape the breasts. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?

You may be a good breast lift candidate if you have no major health problems, do not smoke, and are close to your target weight. If you have sagging skin and want firmer, more lifted breasts, this procedure might make a good choice for you. 

Take the Next Step

Would you like to learn more about breast lifts? Simply fill out the form on this page or call West Michigan Plastic Surgery at (269) 895-9767 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Scott Holley, a Board-Certified plastic surgeon.  Proudly serving Kalamazoo and the greater Southwest Michigan area.
