Despite all of the #WinterIsComing posts we’re all seeing online, spring is finally here. So, as you prepare to face the outside world again, and maybe even take a nice vacation somewhere, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite treatments to help not only rejuvenate tired, winter-dulled skin, but to keep skin glowing for years to come.

Remember, not all skin is treated equally! For personalized recommendations based on your unique skin type and goals, schedule a private consultation with Dr. Scott Holley at West Michigan Plastic Surgery. Give us a call at 269-222-1611 to discuss any of these following treatments, or another that you’ve been curious about.

Protect Your Skin From the Sun with Professional-Grade Products by Obagi®

Everyone needs a good sunscreen to keep the sun’s harmful UV rays at bay and maintain smooth, youthful skin. Unfortunately, the products available at your local department store are not always the best options – often formulated with skin-irritating or ineffective ingredients, or too little of what your skin truly needs for protection.

At West Michigan Plastic Surgery, we offer only the best sun-care products. Obagi’s Sun Shield line is proven to provide patients of all skin types with daily sun protection to help prevent early signs of aging. Obagi Sun Shield products come in strengths from SPF 30 and up, and have been recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation for both active purposes and daily use.

Whether you’re hitting the lake, heading out of town for vacation, or even just walking about town, make sure to lather on a good sunscreen like Obagi to keep your skin healthy and wrinkle-free.

Find out about current specials on Obagi products at West Michigan Plastic Surgery.

Completely Rejuvenate Your Skin with Halo® and BBL™ Non-Surgical Treatments

There comes a point when our skin begins to show the cumulative effects of past years. All the dry winters and long sunny days begin showing their marks on the skin in the form of sunspots, poor texture, fine lines and wrinkles, and skin laxity or looseness. With non-surgical treatments like Halo and BBL (BroadBand Light), we can effectively fade these signs of aging for younger-looking skin without having to make any incisions.

Halo is a dual hybrid fractional laser used to restore the skin’s naturally youthful glow. Dr. Holley’s team can personalize the strength of your Halo treatment based on your skin condition and specific goals. Whether you’re wanting a lighter treatment to brighten up for a weekend getaway, or a deep-rejuvenation to show off your best skin at an upcoming wedding, Halo’s dual-wavelength technology helps to provide optimal results with less downtime.

BBL (or BroadBand Light™) is a light-based treatment that achieves numerous benefits for the skin. Dr. Holley recommends BBL treatments for those looking to address common skin concerns, such as age spots, freckles, redness or visible veins, and sun damage. BBL treatments can also be used to reduce unwanted hair and even tighten loose areas of skin to get you ready for your next spring vacation.

Schedule Your Next Spring Treatment Today

Feel radiant and confident this spring with these exciting non-surgical treatments at West Michigan Plastic Surgery. Call 269-222-1611 to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Scott Holley. We serve patients in Portage, Battle Creek, and nearby areas of Michigan.

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